Saturday, January 5, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr. 

One of my favorite people to learn about and write about with my little kiddos in writing lab was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I taught the writing lab "special class" (that's what we call it here... exploratory, specials, you know!) with first and second graders who had very little knowledge of who he was and the message he brought to the world. It was an honor to try, in my small way, to shine some light on the importance of this great man in history. 

I created this resource to use with primary students and it includes several writing prompt pages and stationary themed to Dr. King's message of equality and hope. The packet includes enough resources for a week of lessons and activities. Use the KWL chart to open the week and discover what your students already know and want to know about Dr. King.  Read the included informational passage with or to your students (depending on their reading level) and let them complete the reading comprehension page. There are several options for writing prompts, acrostic poems, and graphic organizers for students to develop their understanding about Dr. King and his message. There are even some themed coloring pages that make great morning work or seat work! Plenty of resources for a week of MLK themed activities. 

If you don't need several days worth of resources, I also created a foldable mini-book resource for a quick look at Dr. King and his message. This resource also includes the KWL chart, one writing prompt page and the coloring pages. 

1 comment:

  1. По данным Института иммунологии МЗ РФ, непереносимость пищевых продуктов отмечается у 65 % больных, страдающих аллергическими заболеваниями. Из них приблизительно у 35 % наблюдаются аллергические реакции на пищу, а у 65 %— псевдоаллергические.
    Источник 1
    Источник 2
    Источник 3
    Источник 4
    Источник 5

    Истинная пищевая аллергия как основное аллергическое заболевание в структуре всей аллергопатологии за последние пять лет составила до 5,5 %, реакции на примеси в составе пищевых продуктов — 0,9 %.
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    Причины распространенности пищевых аллергий
